Task: to organize and conduct online broadcasting of the international scientific conference on cryoelectronic microscopy in hybrid (online offline) format.
Organizers - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov together with FCC «Fundamental Fundamentals of Biotechnology» RAS.
Two PTZ cameras were used to broadcast from the conference room. Their management allowed to reshape the frame in time and without unnecessary hassle, following the movements of speakers and moderators on a wide stage.
Animated captions, screensavers and stingers from After Effects were used in the graphic design. Unique design and animation created an image of the event with a small budget.
Two goose necks were placed on the stand for a broader purpose.
Organizers - Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov together with FCC «Fundamental Fundamentals of Biotechnology» RAS.
Two PTZ cameras were used to broadcast from the conference room. Their management allowed to reshape the frame in time and without unnecessary hassle, following the movements of speakers and moderators on a wide stage.
Animated captions, screensavers and stingers from After Effects were used in the graphic design. Unique design and animation created an image of the event with a small budget.
Two goose necks were placed on the stand for a broader purpose.